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Hawaiian Studies Program

E Komo Mai (Welcome)

Hiki Mai E Nā Pua

By Kumu Hula, Cy Bridges

Historical Note: This mele kaʻi, or chant, is meant to be used as a hula ka’i or an entrance hula performed at the beginning of a hula program. This chant can also be used as a oli kahea or a chant calling out to people and sharing the message written especially for the “Pioneers in the Pacific Celebration” held here at BYU–Hawaii on October 7-11, 1997.

Hiki mai e nā pua i ka laʻi ē
Ke piʻi aʻe la i ka mauna kiʻekiʻe
Haʻa mai nā kama me ka makua
He wehi pūlama aʻo ke kupuna
E kaʻi mai ana, e kaʻi mai ana
E hahai i ka leo o ka Haku ē


The mission of the Hawaiian Studies Program is to provide the kahua (foundation) which connects the University with our kupuna (ancestors) of the ʻāina (land) of Lāʻie and Hawaiʻi. Additionally to support and complement the goals of the University through its program in language and culture, which include art, music, history, hula, and chant. The curriculum of the Hawaiian Studies Program teaches kuleana (stewardship) for ka ʻāina (the land), through utilizing our beloved Kahuaola and its loʻi (taro patch). In addition, students will learn kuleana for ke kai (the sea) through our beautiful 57 foot waʻakaulua (double hull voyaging canoe) Iosepa. The Hawaiian Studies curriculum stimulates creativity, intellectual growth, and performance skills with critical thinking, producing individuals who are prepared for family, community, and church service. Students will be prepared to function successfully in a chosen profession as individuals who are equipped for problem-solving and shared decision-making through open communication in the contemporary global environment. Furthermore, the Hawaiian Studies Program prepares students to be fluent in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language). Students will be able to use ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi socially as well as professionally.

Expected Student Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate greater awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Islands in relation to a global perspective.
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian Language).
  3. Students graduating from the program will complete a successful, integrative internship under supervision as well as additional special projects and courses.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi by maintaining a C or better grade.
  5. Students graduating will demonstrate satisfaction with services as well as make recommendations to improve the program.
  6. Graduating students will be able to find employment or pursue studies and be successful as a contributing member of society.
  7. Strengthen the curriculum, including its unique features, such as Iosepa, the waʻakaulua, and Kahuaola (location of the loʻi), in order to promote the program and increase the number of majors by 10%.

Academic Advisor

Program Lead

Hawaiian Studies Program Faculty

Mark Ellis

Adjunct Faculty (Faculty of Culture Language & Performing Arts)

Alohalani Housman

Dean/Associate Professor
MCK 170
(808) 675-3370

Kaipo Manoa

Adjunct Faculty (Culture Language & Performing Arts)
(808) 675-3666

Keanupohina Manoa

Adjunct Faculty (Culture Language & Performing Arts)

Makana Manoa

Adjunct Faculty ( Culture Language & Performing Arts)
MCK 170B

Emerson Nahale-a

Sustainability Educational Program Manager

Terry Panee

Adjunct Faculty (Culture Language & Performing Arts)
(808) 675-3666